Thursday, January 21, 2016

Nature News highlights: 21 January 2016

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  21 January 2016    

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  Brain disorders across the lifespan

This supplement outlines the overarching and intersecting priorities for addressing causes, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as best practices to promote global nervous-system health. Available free online.

Financial support for publication has been provided by the Fogarty International Center
  Infectious disease control and elimination

The Diagnostics Modelling Consortium was established in 2013 to facilitate the integration of diagnostic data into models of disease transmission dynamics. In this supplement, the Consortium and its partners report on the latest research outcomes across several major diseases.

Available free online.

Financial support for publication has been provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Latest News  

2015 declared the hottest year on record

20 January 2016

Warming in the Pacific helps shatter past marks, and could bring even faster temperature rises. Read More


The week in science: 15–21 January 2016

20 January 2016

Ebola returns; a rocket falls; and a scientist becomes Taiwan's next vice-president. Read More


When chickens go wild

20 January 2016

The feral chickens of Kauai provide a unique opportunity to study what happens when domesticated animals escape and evolve. Read More

  • More Stories  

Sexual harassment must not be kept under wraps

20 January 2016

A female scientist who was harassed by a senior male colleague feels let down by the system that is supposed to protect her. Read More


Monster El Niño probed by meteorologists

20 January 2016

Unprecedented Pacific Ocean campaign aims to improve forecasts for strong storms. Read More


Evidence grows for giant planet on fringes of Solar System

20 January 2016

Gravitational signature hints at massive object that orbits the Sun every 20,000 years. Read More


Unusual deal ensures Ebola vaccine supply

20 January 2016

Drugmaker commits to stockpiling 300,000 doses and beginning approval process. Read More


Research gets increasingly international

19 January 2016

Big US report documents increases in international collaboration and Chinese science output. Read More


Independent study tallies 'true catch' of global fishing

19 January 2016

Huge collaboration raises questions about official reporting. Read More


Ecology's $434,000,000 test

19 January 2016

The United States has invested in a grand ecological observatory, but the project has been dogged by budget overruns and delays. Read More


Scientists in the dark after French clinical trial proves fatal

18 January 2016

Knowledge about the drug's structure would help researchers understand what happened. Read More


Turkish scientists rocked by accusations of supporting terrorism

18 January 2016

Peace petition leads to arrests and university investigations. Read More


Italian papers on genetically modified crops under investigation

18 January 2016

Work that describes harm from crops was cited in Italian Senate hearing. Read More


'Cave of forgotten dreams' may hold earliest painting of volcanic eruption

15 January 2016

France's iconic Chauvet cave holds mysterious spray-shaped imagery, made around the time when nearby volcanoes were spewing lava. Read More


The science you showed us

15 January 2016

In hotels and at sea, from code to cartilaginous fish: a celebration of the responses to Nature's #ShowUsYourScience. Read More

  Nature Index 2015 China

The 2015 Nature Index supplement dedicated to China reveals the country's output of high quality science continues to grow - a trend that shows no signs of slowing.

Access now for free.

This focus collection brings to the fore a number of Leukemia articles which highlight new developments in our understanding and management of persons with CML.

Available free online. 
  • Jobs   Science jobs of the week


Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences (Microbiology)


University of Canterbury, New Zealand 


Assistant Professor - Molecular Microbiology or Immunology


University of Victoria 


Associate Dean, WSBS


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) 


Senior Nutritional Research Translator


Nestle Institute of Health Sciences 


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