Thursday, August 13, 2015

Nature News highlights: 13 August 2015

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  13 August 2015    

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  • Latest News  

Octopus genome holds clues to uncanny intelligence

12 August 2015

DNA sequence expanded in areas otherwise reserved for vertebrates. Read More


The week in science: 7–13 August 2015

12 August 2015

Scotland says no to GM; 3D printed drugs; and Ada Initiative bows out. Read More


Age of the neutrino: Plans to decipher mysterious particle take shape 

12 August 2015

A graphical guide to four giant experiments spread across the world. Read More

  • More Stories  

Can randomized trials eliminate global poverty?

12 August 2015

A new generation of economists is trying to transform global development policy through the power of randomized controlled trials. Read More


Millennium Villages Project launches retrospective analysis

12 August 2015

Anti-poverty programme seeks to gauge success after ten years in Africa. Read More


The future of science will soon be upon us

12 August 2015

The European Commission has abandoned consideration of 'Science 2.0', finding it too ambitious. That was the wrong call, says Colin Macilwain. Read More


Chinese biologists lead outcry over Winter Olympics ski site

11 August 2015

Proposed alpine ski area lies within nature reserve, prompting fears of development in other conservation areas. Read More 


Fly larvae brains filmed in action

11 August 2015

Videos of neural activity in fruit-fly larva's brain and central nervous system mark a step up from zebrafish imaging. Read More


Japan's nuclear revival won't lower carbon emissions enough

11 August 2015

Return to nuclear energy is part of a plan that is not in line with global climate target. Read More


3D-printed device helps computers solve cocktail-party problem

10 August 2015

Acoustic metamaterial can sort sounds according to their direction. Read More


Proposed Ebola biobank would strengthen African science

10 August 2015

International public-health officials discuss how to maximize research benefits of a widely dispersed collection. Read More 


Spotty sunspot record gets a makeover

07 August 2015

Astronomers fine-tune a data set stretching back four centuries. Read More


How the rubber-duck comet got its shape

07 August 2015

Two pieces of rock became one, but the details are still up for debate. Read More


The week in science: Nature's news quiz

07 August 2015

Have you been paying attention to the science news? Read More


GM-crop opponents expand probe into ties between scientists and industry

06 August 2015

Activist group compels records from 40 researchers at US public universities. Read More

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  • Jobs   Science jobs of the week


Lecturer in Conservation Biology


University of Leeds 


Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School


Harvard Medical School, Department of Cell Biology 


Professor in Integrative Physiology


University of Fribourg / Switzerland and the Department of Medicine 


Professor in Integrative Physiology


Faculty of Science, University of Fribourg 


Assistant Professor in Chemistry


Washington University in St. Louis 


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