Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Nature Neuroscience Contents: September 2015 Volume 18 Number 9, pp 1191 - 1341

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September 2015 Volume 18, Issue 9

News and Views
Historical Commentary
Brief Communications
Technical Report

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ChR2: Anniversary Issue
Focus issue: September 2015 Volume 18, No 9



ChR2 coming of age   p1191
10 years ago, channelrhodopsin-2 was expressed in neurons and shown to control their activity. In this issue, we consider how the field has developed since these early optogenetic experiments.

News and Views


How a fly escapes the reflex trap   pp1192 - 1194
Holger G Krapp
Reflexes help us maintain a default posture and direction of locomotion. But what if we deliberately want to move differently? In Drosophila, the brain modifies a visually driven stabilization reflex to enable voluntary movements.

See also: Article by Kim et al.

GABA receptors in a state of fear   pp1194 - 1196
Andrew Holmes and Alon Chen
Our internal states can color our memories just as powerfully as the external environment. A study finds that hippocampal GABAA receptors and associated microRNAs are important for generating state-dependent contextual fear memories.

See also: Article by Jovasevic et al.

The changing tree in Parkinson's disease   pp1196 - 1198
Paolo Calabresi and Massimiliano Di Filippo
Dopamine loss in Parkinson's disease affects not only the basal ganglia, but also motor cortex, causing a surprising increase of spine turnover in the cortical dendritic tree and altering synaptic plasticity and memory retention.

See also: Article by Guo et al.

Character studies   pp1198 - 1199
Ming Hsu and Adrianna C Jenkins
How do individuals attribute dispositional properties, or traits, to others? A study suggests that associative learning processes underlie aspects of trait learning at both neural and behavioral levels.

See also: Brief Communication by Hackel et al.

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Optogenetics and the future of neuroscience   pp1200 - 1201
Edward S Boyden



Optogenetics: 10 years after ChR2 in neurons—views from the community   pp1202 - 1212
Antoine Adamantidis, Silvia Arber, Jaideep S Bains, Ernst Bamberg, Antonello Bonci et al.
On the anniversary of the Boyden et al. (2005) paper that introduced the use of channelrhodopsin in neurons, Nature Neuroscience asks selected members of the community to comment on the utility, impact and future of this important technique.

Historical Commentary


Optogenetics: 10 years of microbial opsins in neuroscience   pp1213 - 1225
Karl Deisseroth
Over the past decade, modern optogenetics has emerged from the convergence of developments in microbial opsin engineering, genetic methods for targeting, and optical strategies for light delivery. In this Historical Commentary, Karl Deisseroth reflects on the optogenetic landscape, from the important steps but slow progress in the beginning to the acceleration in discovery seen in recent years.

Brief Communications


Modifiers of C9orf72 dipeptide repeat toxicity connect nucleocytoplasmic transport defects to FTD/ALS   pp1226 - 1229
Ana Jovičić, Jerome Mertens, Steven Boeynaems, Elke Bogaert, Noori Chai et al.
C9orf72 mutations are the most common cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia. With unbiased screens in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Jovicic et al. identified potent modifiers of toxicity of dipeptide repeat proteins produced by unconventional translation of the C9orf72 repeat expansions, pointing to nucleocytoplasmic transport impairments as potential disease mechanisms.

Coding the direct/indirect pathways by D1 and D2 receptors is not valid for accumbens projections   pp1230 - 1232
Yonatan M Kupchik, Robyn M Brown, Jasper A Heinsbroek, Mary Kay Lobo, Danielle J Schwartz et al.
It is widely assumed that D1 and D2 dopamine receptor-expressing striatal neurons code for discrete pathways in the basal ganglia. Combining optogenetics and electrophysiology, the authors show that this output architecture does not apply to nucleus accumbens neurons. Current thinking attributing D1/D2 selectivity to accumbens projections thus should be reconsidered.

Instrumental learning of traits versus rewards: dissociable neural correlates and effects on choice   pp1233 - 1235
Leor M Hackel, Bradley B Doll and David M Amodio
Humans learn about people and objects through positive and negative experiences, yet they can look beyond rewards to encode trait-level attributes such as generosity. The authors show that neural activity and choices reflect feedback-based learning about rewards and traits of people and slot machines and that trait learning strongly drives decisions about new social interactions.

See also: News and Views by Hsu & Jenkins



EAG2 potassium channel with evolutionarily conserved function as a brain tumor target   pp1236 - 1246
Xi Huang, Ye He, Adrian M Dubuc, Rintaro Hashizume, Wei Zhang et al.
This study shows conserved EAG2 potassium channel function in brain tumorigenesis and metastasis, cooperation of different potassium channels for mitotic volume regulation, and EAG2 enrichment at the trailing edge for local volume regulation and cell motility. The authors identified the FDA-approved drug thioridazine as an EAG2 blocker of potential therapeutic value.

Cellular evidence for efference copy in Drosophila visuomotor processing   pp1247 - 1255
Anmo J Kim, Jamie K Fitzgerald and Gaby Maimon
The authors show that fruit flies briefly silence visual processing during voluntary flight turns, which likely helps flies to ignore the image of the world sweeping over the retina during such turns.

See also: News and Views by Krapp

LSD1n is an H4K20 demethylase regulating memory formation via transcriptional elongation control   pp1256 - 1264
Jianxun Wang, Francesca Telese, Yuliang Tan, Wenbo Li, Chunyu Jin et al.
The authors show that the neuron-specific LSD1 variant (LSD1n) promotes transcription initiation and elongation in response to neuronal activity. LSD1n is essential for spatial learning and long-term memory formation. LSD1n exhibits novel substrate specificity for histone H4 K20 methylation.

Watch an audio-visual summary of the paper here

GABAergic mechanisms regulated by miR-33 encode state-dependent fear   pp1265 - 1271
Vladimir Jovasevic, Kevin A Corcoran, Katherine Leaderbrand, Naoki Yamawaki, Anita L Guedea et al.
Some stress-related memories are state-dependent: they cannot be retrieved unless the brain is in the same state as during initial encoding. The authors show that hippocampal extrasynaptic GABAA receptors, regulated by miR-33, support state-dependent contextual fear conditioning by altering the processing of context memories within the extended hippocampal circuit.

See also: News and Views by Holmes & Chen

Naturalistic stimulation drives opposing heterosynaptic plasticity at two inputs to songbird cortex   pp1272 - 1280
W Hamish Mehaffey and Allison J Doupe
This study examines how key inputs to a brain area vital for song production can interact cooperatively to change each other. The authors show that naturalistic stimulation patterns drive bidirectional in vitro plasticity in synaptic inputs to a song production area, and use this understanding to manipulate song plasticity in vivo.

Determinants of different deep and superficial CA1 pyramidal cell dynamics during sharp-wave ripples   pp1281 - 1290
Manuel Valero, Elena Cid, Robert G Averkin, Juan Aguilar, Alberto Sanchez-Aguilera et al.
Using a combination of electrophysiological and neurochemical techniques the authors report that deep and superficial CA1 pyramidal neurons behave differently during hippocampal sharp-wave ripples, with deep cells becoming hyperpolarized and superficial cells undergoing depolarization. The study also reveals some of the microcircuit mechanisms that underlie this spatiotemporal specialization, including the involvement of CA2 pyramidal cells and the role of perisomatic inhibition.

Hippocampal circuit dysfunction in the Tc1 mouse model of Down syndrome   pp1291 - 1298
Jonathan Witton, Ragunathan Padmashri, Larissa E Zinyuk, Victor I Popov, Igor Kraev et al.
The authors report that the ultrastructure and plasticity of excitatory synapses connecting dentate gyrus and CA3 of the hippocampus are severely compromised in a transchromosomic mouse model of Down syndrome. These alterations are accompanied by unstable information coding by CA3 and CA1 place cells, which may contribute to aspects of impaired cognition in the disease.

Dynamic rewiring of neural circuits in the motor cortex in mouse models of Parkinson's disease   pp1299 - 1309
Lili Guo, Huan Xiong, Jae-Ick Kim, Yu-Wei Wu, Rupa R Lalchandani et al.
Using in vivo imaging, the authors explore how dopamine loss in Parkinson/'s disease mouse models affects synaptic plasticity in motor cortex. They find that dopamine D1 and D2 receptor signaling distinctly regulates dendritic spine dynamics and that dopamine loss results in atypical synaptic adaptations. These mechanisms may contribute to impaired motor performance in Parkinson's disease.

See also: News and Views by Calabresi & Di Filippo

Learning to expect the unexpected: rapid updating in primate cerebellum during voluntary self-motion   pp1310 - 1317
Jessica X Brooks, Jerome Carriot and Kathleen E Cullen
By recording from cerebellar output neurons during motor learning, the authors provide direct evidence for an elegant computation requiring the comparison of predicted and actual sensory feedback to signal unexpected sensation. Their results suggest that rapid updating of the cerebellum's internal model enables the brain to learn to expect unexpected sensory input.

Oscillatory dynamics coordinating human frontal networks in support of goal maintenance   pp1318 - 1324
Bradley Voytek, Andrew S Kayser, David Badre, David Fegen, Edward F Chang et al.
Humans have a capacity for hierarchical cognitive control—the ability to simultaneously control immediate actions while holding more abstract goals in mind. The authors show that neural oscillations establish dynamic communication networks within the frontal cortex and that these oscillations coordinate local neural activity with increasing cognitive control.



Identification of neurodegenerative factors using translatome-regulatory network analysis   pp1325 - 1333
Lars Brichta, William Shin, Vernice Jackson-Lewis, Javier Blesa, Ee-Lynn Yap et al.
To elucidate novel molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease, the authors generated mice for cell type-specific profiling of dopaminergic neurons. Regulatory network analysis of translatome libraries from dopaminergic neurons under degenerative stress facilitated the identification of intrinsic upstream regulators that oppose degeneration. This strategy can be generalized to investigate degeneration of other classes of neurons.

Technical Report


Cell type-specific manipulation with GFP-dependent Cre recombinase   pp1334 - 1341
Jonathan C Y Tang, Stephanie Rudolph, Onkar S Dhande, Victoria E Abraira, Seungwon Choi et al.
GFP reporter lines are useful for labeling specific cell types. Here, the authors developed a method to convert GFP expression directly into Cre recombinase activity. GFP-dependent Cre was delivered via electroporation or AAV to neural tissues in the mouse, and could be used for optogenetic control of specific cell types.

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