Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Nature Nanotechnology Contents July 2015 Volume 10 Number 8 pp653-728

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Nature Nanotechnology


August 2015 Volume 10, Issue 8

Research Highlights
News and Views
In The Classroom
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Nature Energy: Call for Papers

Launching in January 2016, Nature Energy is now open for submissions and inviting high-quality research from across the natural and social sciences. The journal will be dedicated to exploring all aspects of the on-going discussion of energy provision; from the generation and storage of energy, to its distribution and management, the needs and demands of the different actors, and the impacts that energy technologies and policies have on societies.

Submit your next research paper to the journal.

Research Highlights


Our choice from the recent literature   p653

News and Views


Nanoengineering: Super symmetry in cell division   pp655 - 656
Kerwyn Casey Huang
Bacterial cells can be sculpted into different shapes using nanofabricated chambers and then used to explore the spatial adaptation of protein oscillations that play an important role in cell division.

See also: Article by Wu et al.

Biological machines: Molecular motor teamwork   pp656 - 657
Edward P. Debold
Synthetic muscles built from DNA nanotube scaffolds can be used to study how myosin motors work together to make real muscles function.

See also: Letter by Hariadi et al.

Nanofluidics: Phonon modes for faster flow   pp657 - 658
Lydéric Bocquet and Roland R. Netz
Molecular dynamics simulations show that the flow of water through carbon nanotubes can be enhanced by exciting the phonon modes of the nanotube.

See also: Letter by Ma et al.

Nanomechanics: Full recovery takes time   pp659 - 660
Daniel S. Gianola and Jungho Shin
On bending, nanowires display anelastic behaviour, recovering their initial shape over time and efficiently dissipating mechanical energy in the process.

See also: Letter by Cheng et al.

JOBS of the week
Postdoctoral Fellow in Translational Diagnostics
Houston Methodist Research Institute
Three PhD Scholarships available at DTU Nanotech and DTU Fotonik
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
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Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference
Paris, France
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Correction   p660

Correction   p660



Strain-induced coupling of electrical polarization and structural defects in SrMnO3 films   pp661 - 665
Carsten Becher, Laura Maurel, Ulrich Aschauer, Martin Lilienblum, César Magén, Dennis Meier, Eric Langenberg, Morgan Trassin, Javier Blasco, Ingo P. Krug, Pedro A. Algarabel, Nicola A. Spaldin, José A. Pardo and Manfred Fiebig
An array of nanoscale polar domains with varying conductance and that are electrically insulated by domain walls can be induced by the interplay of strain and defects in oxide thin films.

Electrical detection of coherent spin precession using the ballistic intrinsic spin Hall effect   pp666 - 670
Won Young Choi, Hyung-jun Kim, Joonyeon Chang, Suk Hee Han, Hyun Cheol Koo and Mark Johnson
An indium arsenide quantum well with a ferromagnetic spin injector and a spin Hall detector is used to electrically measure the conductance oscillations due to spin precession in a transistor channel.

Room-temperature single-photon generation from solitary dopants of carbon nanotubes   pp671 - 675
Xuedan Ma, Nicolai F. Hartmann, Jon K. S. Baldwin, Stephen K. Doorn and Han Htoon
The incorporation of carbon nanotubes in a silica matrix produces oxygen dopant states that can emit single photons at room temperature and at wavelengths relevant for applications in telecommunications.

Bright visible light emission from graphene   pp676 - 681
Young Duck Kim, Hakseong Kim, Yujin Cho, Ji Hoon Ryoo, Cheol-Hwan Park, Pilkwang Kim, Yong Seung Kim, Sunwoo Lee, Yilei Li, Seung-Nam Park, Yong Shim Yoo, Duhee Yoon, Vincent E. Dorgan, Eric Pop, Tony F. Heinz, James Hone, Seung-Hyun Chun, Hyeonsik Cheong, Sang Wook Lee, Myung-Ho Bae and Yun Daniel Park
Electrically biased suspended graphene devices show an intense electroluminescence in the visible range with a tunable emission spectrum.

Graphene on hexagonal boron nitride as a tunable hyperbolic metamaterial   pp682 - 686
S. Dai, Q. Ma, M. K. Liu, T. Andersen, Z. Fei, M. D. Goldflam, M. Wagner, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Thiemens, F. Keilmann, G. C. A. M. Janssen, S-E. Zhu, P. Jarillo-Herrero, M. M. Fogler and D. N. Basov
The amplitude and wavelength of hyperbolic phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride can be tuned using a monolayer graphene gate.

Large anelasticity and associated energy dissipation in single-crystalline nanowires   pp687 - 691
Guangming Cheng, Chunyang Miao, Qingquan Qin, Jing Li, Feng Xu, Hamed Haftbaradaran, Elizabeth C. Dickey, Huajian Gao and Yong Zhu
Crystalline nanowires with point defects show large anelastic behaviour, leading to efficient mechanical energy dissipation.

See also: News and Views by Gianola & Shin

Water transport inside carbon nanotubes mediated by phonon-induced oscillating friction   pp692 - 695
Ming Ma, François Grey, Luming Shen, Michael Urbakh, Shuai Wu, Jefferson Zhe Liu, Yilun Liu and Quanshui Zheng
Molecular dynamics simulations of water molecules inside carbon nanotubes show a strong coupling between the flow of water and the phonon modes of nanotubes that enhance diffusion.

See also: News and Views by Bocquet & Netz

Mechanical coordination in motor ensembles revealed using engineered artificial myosin filaments   pp696 - 700
R. F. Hariadi, R. F. Sommese, A. S. Adhikari, R. E. Taylor, S. Sutton, J. A. Spudich and S. Sivaramakrishnan
DNA nanotube scaffolds allow artificial myosin filaments to be engineered that can be used to probe the mechanical coordination of myosin motor ensembles.

See also: News and Views by Debold



Spectral mapping of thermal conductivity through nanoscale ballistic transport   pp701 - 706
Yongjie Hu, Lingping Zeng, Austin J. Minnich, Mildred S. Dresselhaus and Gang Chen
Ultrafast optical spectroscopy can be used to map the contribution of all phonon modes to the thermal conductivity in nanostructures.

Polarization-sensitive broadband photodetector using a black phosphorus vertical p–n junction   pp707 - 713
Hongtao Yuan, Xiaoge Liu, Farzaneh Afshinmanesh, Wei Li, Gang Xu, Jie Sun, Biao Lian, Alberto G. Curto, Guojun Ye, Yasuyuki Hikita, Zhixun Shen, Shou-Cheng Zhang, Xianhui Chen, Mark Brongersma, Harold Y. Hwang and Yi Cui
The anisotropic optical properties of black phosphorus can be exploited to fabricate photodetectors with linear dichroism operating over a broad spectral range.

Frictional transition from superlubric islands to pinned monolayers   pp714 - 718
Matteo Pierno, Lorenzo Bruschi, Giampaolo Mistura, Guido Paolicelli, Alessandro di Bona, Sergio Valeri, Roberto Guerra, Andrea Vanossi and Erio Tosatti
Experiments and theory show how superlubricity can emerge in large flakes sliding on a surface when the lattices of the flake and the surface are incommensurate.

Symmetry and scale orient Min protein patterns in shaped bacterial sculptures   pp719 - 726
Fabai Wu, Bas G. C. van Schie, Juan E. Keymer and Cees Dekker
Using nanofabricated chambers, living bacterial cells can be 'sculpted' into defined shapes, such as squares and rectangles, which can be used to explore the spatial adaptation of Min protein oscillations, a Turing reaction–diffusion pattern that assists cell division.

See also: News and Views by Huang

In The Classroom


Self-assembly gets physical   p728
Arthur J. Olson
Interacting with 3D-printed molecular models helps students to grasp insightful concepts on the kinetics and thermodynamics of molecular self-assembly, as Arthur J. Olson explains.

Announcing Nature Reviews Materials

Launching in January 2016, Nature Reviews Materials aims to cover the making, measuring, modelling and manufacturing of materials - thus, looking at materials science throughout the pipeline of laboratory discovery to functional device. Nature Reviews Materials will provide timely and authoritative Reviews and Perspectives, written by leading researchers in their fields. 

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