Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Leukemia - Table of Contents alert Volume 29 Issue 8

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Volume 29, Issue 8 (August 2015)

In this issue
Concise Review
Original Articles
Letters To The Editor

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We are pleased to announce that the Impact Factor* for Leukemia is now 10.431 - an increase from 9.379 last year. LEU is ranked 9 of 211 titles in the oncology category and 3 of 68 in the hematology category. The journal would like to thank all our authors, reviewers and readers for their continued support.
(*Thomson Reuters 2014 Journal Citation Reports®

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The pre-B-cell receptor checkpoint in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

J Eswaran, P Sinclair, O Heidenreich, J Irving, L J Russell, A Hall, D P Calado, C J Harrison and J Vormoor

Leukemia 2015 29: 1623-1631; advance online publication, May 6, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.113

Abstract | Full Text

Concise Review


The DEK oncoprotein and its emerging roles in gene regulation

C Sandén and U Gullberg

Leukemia 2015 29: 1632-1636; advance online publication, March 13, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.72

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles



CD33-specific chimeric antigen receptor T cells exhibit potent preclinical activity against human acute myeloid leukemia

S S Kenderian, M Ruella, O Shestova, M Klichinsky, V Aikawa, J J D Morrissette, J Scholler, D Song, D L Porter, M Carroll, C H June and S Gill

Leukemia 2015 29: 1637-1647; advance online publication, February 27, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.52

Abstract | Full Text


Monitoring minimal residual disease in children with high-risk relapses of acute lymphoblastic leukemia: prognostic relevance of early and late assessment

C Eckert, N Hagedorn, L Sramkova, G Mann, R Panzer-Grümayer, C Peters, J-P Bourquin, T Klingebiel, A Borkhardt, G Cario, J Alten, G Escherich, K Astrahantseff, K Seeger, G Henze and A von Stackelberg

Leukemia 2015 29: 1648-1655; advance online publication, March 9, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.59

Abstract | Full Text

KRAS and CREBBP mutations: a relapse-linked malicious liaison in childhood high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia OPEN

K Malinowska-Ozdowy, C Frech, A Schönegger, C Eckert, G Cazzaniga, M Stanulla, U zur Stadt, A Mecklenbräuker, M Schuster, D Kneidinger, A von Stackelberg, F Locatelli, M Schrappe, M A Horstmann, A Attarbaschi, C Bock, G Mann, O A Haas and R Panzer-Grümayer

Leukemia 2015 29: 1656-1667; advance online publication, April 28, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.107

Abstract | Full Text


A coiled-coil mimetic intercepts BCR-ABL1 dimerization in native and kinase-mutant chronic myeloid leukemia

D W Woessner, A M Eiring, B J Bruno, M S Zabriskie, K R Reynolds, G D Miller, T O'Hare, M W Deininger and C S Lim

Leukemia 2015 29: 1668-1675; advance online publication, February 27, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.53

Abstract | Full Text


Neutralization of (NK-cell-derived) B-cell activating factor by Belimumab restores sensitivity of chronic lymphoid leukemia cells to direct and Rituximab-induced NK lysis

J Wild, B J Schmiedel, A Maurer, S Raab, L Prokop, S Stevanović, D Dörfel, P Schneider and H R Salih

Leukemia 2015 29: 1676-1683; advance online publication, February 24, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.50

Abstract | Full Text


IL10 receptor is a novel therapeutic target in DLBCLs

W Béguelin, S Sawh, N Chambwe, F C Chan, Y Jiang, J-W Choo, D W Scott, A Chalmers, H Geng, L Tsikitas, W Tam, G Bhagat, R D Gascoyne and R Shaknovich

Leukemia 2015 29: 1684-1694; advance online publication, March 3, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.57

Abstract | Full Text

Safety and efficacy of Temsirolimus in combination with Bendamustine and Rituximab in relapsed mantle cell and follicular lymphoma

G Hess, U Keller, C W Scholz, M Witzens-Harig, J Atta, C Buske, S Kirschey, C Ruckes, C Medler, C van Oordt, W Klapper, M Theobald and M Dreyling

Leukemia 2015 29: 1695-1701; advance online publication, March 13, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.60

Abstract | Full Text

Synergistic induction of apoptosis in high-risk DLBCL by BCL2 inhibition with ABT-199 combined with pharmacologic loss of MCL1

L Li, P Pongtornpipat, T Tiutan, S L Kendrick, S Park, D O Persky, L M Rimsza, S D Puvvada and J H Schatz

Leukemia 2015 29: 1702-1712; advance online publication, April 17, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.99

Abstract | Full Text


The flow cytometry-defined light chain cytoplasmic immunoglobulin index and an associated 12-gene expression signature are independent prognostic factors in multiple myeloma OPEN

X Papanikolaou, D Alapat, A Rosenthal, C Stein, J Epstein, R Owens, S Yaccoby, S Johnson, C Bailey, C Heuck, E Tian, A Joiner, F van Rhee, R Khan, M Zangari, Y Jethava, S Waheed, F Davies, G Morgan and B Barlogie

Leukemia 2015 29: 1713-1720; advance online publication, March 10, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.65

Abstract | Full Text

Phase III trial of bortezomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone (VCD) versus bortezomib, doxorubicin and dexamethasone (PAd) in newly diagnosed myeloma

E K Mai, U Bertsch, J Dürig, C Kunz, M Haenel, I W Blau, M Munder, A Jauch, B Schurich, T Hielscher, M Merz, B Huegle-Doerr, A Seckinger, D Hose, J Hillengass, M S Raab, K Neben, H-W Lindemann, M Zeis, C Gerecke, I G H Schmidt-Wolf, K Weisel, C Scheid, H Salwender and H Goldschmidt

Leukemia 2015 29: 1721-1729; advance online publication, March 19, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.80

Abstract | Full Text


AML1/ETO cooperates with HIF1α to promote leukemogenesis through DNMT3a transactivation

X N Gao, F Yan, J Lin, L Gao, X L Lu, S C Wei, N Shen, J X Pang, Q Y Ning, Y Komeno, A L Deng, Y H Xu, J L Shi, Y H Li, D E Zhang, C Nervi, S J Liu and L Yu

Leukemia 2015 29: 1730-1740; advance online publication, March 2, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.56

Abstract | Full Text

The Notch ligand DLL4 specifically marks human hematoendothelial progenitors and regulates their hematopoietic fate

V Ayllón, C Bueno, V Ramos-Mejía, O Navarro-Montero, C Prieto, P J Real, T Romero, M J García-León, M L Toribio, A Bigas and P Menendez

Leukemia 2015 29: 1741-1753; advance online publication, March 17, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.74

Abstract | Full Text


Primary graft failure after myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for hematologic malignancies

R F Olsson, B R Logan, S Chaudhury, X Zhu, G Akpek, B J Bolwell, C N Bredeson, C C Dvorak, V Gupta, V T Ho, H M Lazarus, D I Marks, O T H Ringdén, M C Pasquini, J R Schriber and K R Cooke

Leukemia 2015 29: 1754-1762; advance online publication, March 16, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.75

Abstract | Full Text


F604S exchange in FIP1L1-PDGFRA enhances FIP1L1-PDGFRA protein stability via SHP-2 and SRC: a novel mode of kinase inhibitor resistance

S P Gorantla, K Zirlik, A Reiter, C Yu, A L Illert, N Von Bubnoff and J Duyster

Leukemia 2015 29: 1763-1770; advance online publication, March 12, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.70

Abstract | Full Text


Runx1 is required for hematopoietic defects and leukemogenesis in Cbfb-MYH11 knock-in mice

R K Hyde, L Zhao, L Alemu and P P Liu

Leukemia 2015 29: 1771-1778; advance online publication, March 6, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.58

Abstract | Full Text

Letters To The Editor


Low platelet count reduces subsequent complete remission rate despite marrow with <5% blasts after AML induction therapy

X Chen, L F Newell, H Xie, R B Walter, J M Pagel, V K Sandhu, P S Becker, P C Hendrie, J L Abkowitz, F R Appelbaum and E H Estey

Leukemia 2015 29: 1779-1780; advance online publication, February 4, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.23

Full Text

Blocking programmed cell death 1 in combination with adoptive cytotoxic T-cell transfer eradicates chronic myelogenous leukemia stem cells OPEN

C Riether, T Gschwend, A-L Huguenin, C M Schürch and A F Ochsenbein

Leukemia 2015 29: 1781-1785; advance online publication, February 4, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.26

Full Text

Cellular origin of prognostic chromosomal aberrations in AML patients

H Mora-Jensen, J Jendholm, N Rapin, M K Andersen, A S Roug, F O Bagger, L Bullinger, O Winther, N Borregaard, B T Porse and K Theilgaard-Mönch

Leukemia 2015 29: 1785-1789; advance online publication, February 11, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.30

Full Text

The diagnostic gray zone between Burkitt lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is also a gray zone of the mutational spectrum

S Momose, S Weißbach, J Pischimarov, T Nedeva, E Bach, M Rudelius, E Geissinger, A M Staiger, G Ott and A Rosenwald

Leukemia 2015 29: 1789-1791; advance online publication, February 12, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.34

Full Text

Ponatinib is not transported by ABCB1, ABCG2 or OCT-1 in CML cells

L Lu, V A Saunders, T M Leclercq, T P Hughes and D L White

Leukemia 2015 29: 1792-1794; advance online publication, February 13, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.35

Full Text

Characterisation of a compound in-cis GATA2 germline mutation in a pedigree presenting with myelodysplastic syndrome/acute myeloid leukemia with concurrent thrombocytopenia

C N Hahn, P J Brautigan, C-E Chong, A Janssan, P Venugopal, Y Lee, A E Tims, M S Horwitz, M Klingler-Hoffmann and H S Scott

Leukemia 2015 29: 1795-1797; advance online publication, February 13, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.40

Full Text



Disruption of SF3B1 results in deregulated expression and splicing of key genes and pathways in myelodysplastic syndrome hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

H Dolatshad, A Pellagatti, M Fernandez-Mercado, B H Yip, L Malcovati, M Attwood, B Przychodzen, N Sahgal, A A Kanapin, H Lockstone, L Scifo, P Vandenberghe, E Papaemmanuil, C W J Smith, P J Campbell, S Ogawa, J P Maciejewski, M Cazzola, K I Savage and J Boultwood

Leukemia 2015 29: 1798; 10.1038/leu.2015.178

Full Text

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