Wednesday, July 15, 2015

British Journal of Cancer - Table of Contents alert Volume 113 Issue 2

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British Journal of Cancer


Volume 113, Issue 2 (193-363)
Published online 14 July 2015

In this issue
Clinical Studies
Translational Therapeutics
Molecular Diagnostics
Genetics & Genomics

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The genomic evolution of human prostate cancer

T Mitchell and D E Neal

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 193-198; advance online publication, June 30, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.234

Abstract | Full Text

Clinical Studies


Impact of KRAS codon subtypes from a randomised phase II trial of selumetinib plus docetaxel in KRAS mutant advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

P A Jänne, I Smith, G McWalter, H Mann, B Dougherty, J Walker, M C M Orr, D R Hodgson, A T Shaw, J R Pereira, G Jeannin, J Vansteenkiste, C H Barrios, F A Franke, L Crinò and P Smith

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 199-203; advance online publication, June 30, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.215

Abstract | Full Text

Systemic neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in colorectal cancer: the relationship to patient survival, tumour biology and local lymphocytic response to tumour

J K Pine, E Morris, G G Hutchins, N P West, D G Jayne, P Quirke and K R Prasad

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 204-211; advance online publication, June 30, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.87

Abstract | Full Text

Prognostic value of lymph node ratio and extramural vascular invasion on survival for patients undergoing curative colon cancer resection

C N Parnaby, N W Scott, G Ramsay, C MacKay, L Samuel, G I Murray and M A Loudon

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 212-219; advance online publication, June 16, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.211

Abstract | Full Text

A phase II and pharmacodynamic study of sunitinib in relapsed/refractory oesophageal and gastro-oesophageal cancers

C Wu, S Mikhail, L Wei, C Timmers, S Tahiri, A Neal, J Walker, S El-Dika, M Blazer, J Rock, D J Clark, X Yang, J L Chen, J Liu, M V Knopp and T Bekaii-Saab

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 220-225; advance online publication, July 7, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.197

Abstract | Full Text

Prognostic value and kinetics of circulating endothelial cells in patients with recurrent glioblastoma randomised to bevacizumab plus lomustine, bevacizumab single agent or lomustine single agent. A report from the Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group BELOB trial

N Beije, J Kraan, W Taal, B van der Holt, H M Oosterkamp, A M Walenkamp, L Beerepoot, M Hanse, M E van Linde, A Otten, R M Vernhout, F Y F de Vos, J W Gratama, S Sleijfer and M J van den Bent

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 226-231; advance online publication, June 4, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.191

Abstract | Full Text

Translational Therapeutics


Dexamethasone exerts profound immunologic interference on treatment efficacy for recurrent glioblastoma

E T Wong, E Lok, S Gautam and K D Swanson

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 232-241; advance online publication, June 30, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.238

Abstract | Full Text

Dual inhibition of survivin and MAOA synergistically impairs growth of PTEN-negative prostate cancer

S Xu, H Adisetiyo, S Tamura, F Grande, A Garofalo, P Roy-Burman and N Neamati

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 242-251; advance online publication, June 23, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.228

Abstract | Full Text

Molecular Diagnostics


miR-9-3p plays a tumour-suppressor role by targeting TAZ (WWTR1) in hepatocellular carcinoma cells

T Higashi, H Hayashi, T Ishimoto, H Takeyama, T Kaida, K Arima, K Taki, K Sakamoto, H Kuroki, H Okabe, H Nitta, D Hashimoto, A Chikamoto, T Beppu and H Baba

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 252-258; advance online publication, June 30, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.170

Abstract | Full Text

Overexpression of connexin 43 reduces melanoma proliferative and metastatic capacity

A Tittarelli, I Guerrero, F Tempio, M A Gleisner, I Avalos, S Sabanegh, C Ortíz, L Michea, M N López, A Mendoza-Naranjo and F Salazar-Onfray

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 259-267; advance online publication, July 2, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.162

Abstract | Full Text

Evaluation of serum CEA, CYFRA21-1 and CA125 for the early detection of colorectal cancer using longitudinal preclinical samples

D S Thomas, E-O Fourkala, S Apostolidou, R Gunu, A Ryan, I Jacobs, U Menon, W Alderton, A Gentry-Maharaj and J F Timms

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 268-274; advance online publication, June 2, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.202

Abstract | Full Text

Exosomal microRNA in serum is a novel biomarker of recurrence in human colorectal cancer

T Matsumura, K Sugimachi, H Iinuma, Y Takahashi, J Kurashige, G Sawada, M Ueda, R Uchi, H Ueo, Y Takano, Y Shinden, H Eguchi, H Yamamoto, Y Doki, M Mori, T Ochiya and K Mimori

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 275-281; advance online publication, June 9, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.201

Abstract | Full Text

Tumour-suppressive microRNA-144-5p directly targets CCNE1/2 as potential prognostic markers in bladder cancer

R Matsushita, N Seki, T Chiyomaru, S Inoguchi, T Ishihara, Y Goto, R Nishikawa, H Mataki, S Tatarano, T Itesako, M Nakagawa and H Enokida

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 282-289; advance online publication, June 9, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.195

Abstract | Full Text

miR-30e* is an independent subtype-specific prognostic marker in breast cancer

F D'Aiuto, M Callari, M Dugo, G Merlino, V Musella, P Miodini, B Paolini, V Cappelletti and M G Daidone

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 290-298; advance online publication, June 9, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.206

Abstract | Full Text

A clinically applicable molecular-based classification for endometrial cancers

A Talhouk, M K McConechy, S Leung, H H Li-Chang, J S Kwon, N Melnyk, W Yang, J Senz, N Boyd, A N Karnezis, D G Huntsman, C B Gilks and J N McAlpine

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 299-310; advance online publication, June 30, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.190

Abstract | Full Text

Preoperative neutrophil:lymphocyte and platelet:lymphocyte ratios predict endometrial cancer survival

M Cummings, L Merone, C Keeble, L Burland, M Grzelinski, K Sutton, N Begum, A Thacoor, B Green, J Sarveswaran, R Hutson and N M Orsi

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 311-320; advance online publication, June 16, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.200

Abstract | Full Text

Expression of p16 in squamous cell carcinoma of the mobile tongue is independent of HPV infection despite presence of the HPV-receptor syndecan-1

N Sgaramella, P J Coates, K Strindlund, L Loljung, G Colella, G Laurell, R Rossiello, L L Muzio, C Loizou, G Tartaro, K Olofsson, K Danielsson, R Fåhraeus and K Nylander

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 321-326; advance online publication, June 9, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.207

Abstract | Full Text

Oncogenic CXCL10 signalling drives metastasis development and poor clinical outcome

S C Wightman, A Uppal, S P Pitroda, S Ganai, B Burnette, M Stack, G Oshima, S Khan, X Huang, M C Posner, R R Weichselbaum and N N Khodarev

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 327-335; advance online publication, June 4, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.193

Abstract | Full Text

The von Hippel–Lindau tumour suppressor gene: uncovering the expression of the pVHL172 isoform

F Chesnel, P Hascoet, J P Gagné, A Couturier, F Jouan, G G Poirier, C Le Goff, C Vigneau, Y Danger, F Verite, X Le Goff and Y Arlot-Bonnemains

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 336-344; advance online publication, June 2, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.189

Abstract | Full Text

The expression of tumour suppressors and proto-oncogenes in tissues susceptible to their hereditary cancers

Brian Muir and Leonard Nunney

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 345-353; advance online publication, June 16, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.205

Abstract | Full Text

Genetics & Genomics


MC1R gene variants and non-melanoma skin cancer: a pooled-analysis from the M-SKIP project

E Tagliabue, M C Fargnoli, S Gandini, P Maisonneuve, F Liu, M Kayser, T Nijsten, J Han, R Kumar, N A Gruis, L Ferrucci, W Branicki, T Dwyer, L Blizzard, P Helsing, P Autier, J C García-Borrón, P A Kanetsky, M T Landi, J Little, J Newton-Bishop, F Sera and S Raimondi for the M-SKIP Study Group

Br J Cancer 2015 113: 354-363; advance online publication, June 23, 2015; 10.1038/bjc.2015.231

Abstract | Full Text

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