March 2015 Volume 9, Issue 3 |
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 | Research Highlights News and Views Corrections Review Letters Articles | |
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npj Quantum Information An online open access journal providing a platform for the latest important research on quantum information, including quantum computing, quantum communications and quantum information theory. The Journal is now open for submissions. Explore the benefits of submitting your next research article. | | | |
Research Highlights | Top |
Plasmonics: Near-infrared nanolaser | Terahertz plasmonics: Bessel beamformer | Optical metrology: Thermometry | Imaging: Expansion microscopy | Optical encryption: Polarization keys |
News and Views | Top |
Corrections | Top |
Correction p150 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2015.20 |
Correction p150 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2015.38 |
Review | Top |
Physics and applications of laser diode chaos pp151 - 162 M. Sciamanna and K. A. Shore doi:10.1038/nphoton.2014.326 |
Letters | Top |
Provably secure and practical quantum key distribution over 307 km of optical fibre pp163 - 168 Boris Korzh, Charles Ci Wen Lim, Raphael Houlmann, Nicolas Gisin, Ming Jun Li et al. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2014.327 A discrete-variable quantum key distribution system that is capable of distributing a provably-secure cryptographic key over 307 kilometres is demonstrated at a telecom wavelength. |
Gravitational and relativistic deflection of X-ray superradiance pp169 - 173 Wen-Te Liao and Sven Ahrens doi:10.1038/nphoton.2015.7 A theoretical proposal for time-dependent deflection of X-rays by gravitational and relativistic effects may lead to a table-top technique for probing gravity and relativity.
See also: News and Views by Adams |
Single-junction polymer solar cells with high efficiency and photovoltage pp174 - 179 Zhicai He, Biao Xiao, Feng Liu, Hongbin Wu, Yali Yang et al. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2015.6 Organic solar cells with efficiency greater than 10% are fabricated by incorporating a semiconductor polymer with a deepened valence energy level. |
Controlling light with metamaterial-based nonlinear photonic crystals pp180 - 184 Nadav Segal, Shay Keren-Zur, Netta Hendler and Tal Ellenbogen doi:10.1038/nphoton.2015.17 Nonlinearity engineering is demonstrated by the construction of metamaterial-based photonic crystals. Nonlinear emission and diffraction are controlled and intense focusing is reported.
See also: News and Views by Lepetit & Kanté |
Cryogenic optical lattice clocks pp185 - 189 Ichiro Ushijima, Masao Takamoto, Manoj Das, Takuya Ohkubo and Hidetoshi Katori doi:10.1038/nphoton.2015.5 A pair of 87Sr optical lattice clocks with a statistical agreement of 2 × 10−18 within 6,000 s has been developed. To this end, the behaviour of the blackbody radiation—a major perturbation for optical lattice clocks—was directly investigated. |
Articles | Top |
High-performance multiple-donor bulk heterojunction solar cells pp190 - 198 Yang (Michael) Yang, Wei Chen, Letian Dou, Wei-Hsuan Chang, Hsin-Sheng Duan et al. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2015.9 The use of carefully selected multiple donor polymers is shown to improve the performance of polymer solar cells. |
Interaction between light and highly confined hypersound in a silicon photonic nanowire pp199 - 203 Raphaël Van Laer, Bart Kuyken, Dries Van Thourhout and Roel Baets doi:10.1038/nphoton.2015.11 The authors experimentally and theoretically demonstrate stimulated Brillouin scattering in a silicon nanowire supported by a pillar, which results from the tight confinement of both photons and phonons.
See also: News and Views by Thévenaz |
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