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Genome-wide association study identifies peanut allergy-specific loci and evidence of epigenetic mediation in US children |  | Xiumei Hong, Ke Hao, Christine Ladd-Acosta, Kasper D. Hansen, Hui-Ju Tsai, Xin Liu, Xin Xu, Timothy A. Thornton, Deanna Caruso, Corinne A. Keet, Yifei Sun, Guoying Wang, Wei Luo, Rajesh Kumar, Ramsay Fuleihan, Anne Marie Singh, Jennifer S. Kim, Rachel E. Story, Ruchi S. Gupta, Peisong Gao et al. |  | Food allergy is a growing clinical and public health burden. Here, the authors carry out a genome-wide association study in samples with well-defined allergies to a variety of foods, and identify the 6p21.32 region that significantly increases risk of developing peanut allergy. |  | 24 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7304 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics | 

Formation of titanium monoxide (001) single-crystalline thin film induced by ion bombardment of titanium dioxide (110) |  | B.M. Pabón, J.I. Beltrán, G. Sánchez-Santolino, I. Palacio, J. López-Sánchez, J. Rubio-Zuazo, J.M. Rojo, P. Ferrer, A. Mascaraque, M.C. Muñoz, M. Varela, G.R. Castro and O. Rodríguez de la Fuente |  | Precise surface modification of titanium dioxide is useful for numerous applications. Here, the authors report that high ion dose bombardment transforms the surface of titanium dioxide (110) into single-crystalline titanium oxide (001) thin film, unlike previous lower energy ion bombardment studies. |  | 24 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7147 |  | Physical Sciences Condensed matter Materials science | 

Real-time tracking of cell cycle progression during CD8+ effector and memory T-cell differentiation OPEN |  | Ichiko Kinjyo, Jim Qin, Sioh-Yang Tan, Cameron J. Wellard, Paulus Mrass, William Ritchie, Atsushi Doi, Lois L. Cavanagh, Michio Tomura, Asako Sakaue-Sawano, Osami Kanagawa, Atsushi Miyawaki, Philip D. Hodgkin and Wolfgang Weninger |  | CD8+ memory T cells appear during infection via a process of selection and differentiation that remains poorly understood. Using a fluorescent indicator of cell cycle progression, Kinjyo et al. show that slow-cycling memory precursors are derived from fast-cycling-activated T cells in influenza-infected mice. |  | 24 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7301 |  | Biological Sciences Immunology | 
Multimode optomechanical dynamics in a cavity with avoided crossings |  | D. Lee, M. Underwood, D. Mason, A.B. Shkarin, S.W. Hoch and J.G.E. Harris |  | Optomechanical systems are typically modelled as a single cavity mode coupled to a mechanical oscillator. Here, the authors report on the realization of a multimode optomechanical setup whose distinct features arise from the mechanically induced coupling between the cavity modes. |  | 24 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7232 |  | Physical Sciences Applied physics | 
Observation of long-lived interlayer excitons in monolayer MoSe2–WSe2 heterostructures |  | Pasqual Rivera, John R. Schaibley, Aaron M. Jones, Jason S. Ross, Sanfeng Wu, Grant Aivazian, Philip Klement, Kyle Seyler, Genevieve Clark, Nirmal J. Ghimire, Jiaqiang Yan, D. G. Mandrus, Wang Yao and Xiaodong Xu |  | Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures with type II band alignment have generated wide interest in device physics at the two-dimensional limit. Here, Rivera et al. observe interlayer excitons in vertically stacked MoSe2–WSe2 heterostructures and demonstrate tunability of the energy and luminescence. |  | 24 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7242 |  | Physical Sciences Condensed matter Materials science Nanotechnology | 
Weak linkage between the heaviest rainfall and tallest storms OPEN |  | Atsushi Hamada, Yukari N. Takayabu, Chuntao Liu and Edward J. Zipser |  | Conventionally, the heaviest rainfall is associated with the most intense storms, yet this relationship remains untested. Here, Hamada et al. analyse 11 years of radar observations from the topics and subtropics, and conclude that the heaviest rainfall is most commonly associated with less intense convection. |  | 24 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7213 |  | Earth Sciences Atmospheric science | 

Silicon-chip mid-infrared frequency comb generation |  | Austin G. Griffith, Ryan K.W. Lau, Jaime Cardenas, Yoshitomo Okawachi, Aseema Mohanty, Romy Fain, Yoon Ho Daniel Lee, Mengjie Yu, Christopher T. Phare, Carl B. Poitras, Alexander L. Gaeta and Michal Lipson |  | Optical frequency combs in the mid-infrared are required for molecular gas detection applications but their realization in compact microresonator-based platforms is challenging. Here, Griffith et al. demonstrate on-chip broadband comb generation on a silicon microresonator spanning from 2.1 to 3.5 μm. |  | 24 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7299 |  | Physical Sciences Applied physics Nanotechnology Optical physics | 

Cyclic stretching of soft substrates induces spreading and growth OPEN |  | Yidan Cui, Feroz M. Hameed, Bo Yang, Kyunghee Lee, Catherine Qiurong Pan, Sungsu Park and Michael Sheetz |  | Cells grown on a stiff substrate are stimulated through physical cues to spread, create actin stress fibres and proliferate. Here Cui et al. show that cyclic stretching cells on a soft pillar substrate has the same effect as growth on a stiff substrate, and results in nuclear translocation of YAP and MRTF-A. |  | 23 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7333 |  | Biological Sciences Biophysics Cell biology | 

A multicentre-bonded [ZnI]8 cluster with cubic aromaticity |  | Ping Cui, Han-Shi Hu, Bin Zhao, Jeffery T. Miller, Peng Cheng and Jun Li |  | Zinc(I) bimetallic clusters have previously been reported, but they are not stable in air. Here, the authors synthesize octametallic Zinc(I) clusters with multi-centred zinc–zinc bonds and extensive electron delocalization over the cluster, resulting in cubic aromaticity and enhanced stability. |  | 23 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7331 |  | Chemical Sciences Inorganic chemistry | 

Volatile signalling by sesquiterpenes from ectomycorrhizal fungi reprogrammes root architecture OPEN |  | Franck A. Ditengou, Anna Müller, Maaria Rosenkranz, Judith Felten, Hanna Lasok, Maja Miloradovic van Doorn, Valerie Legué, Klaus Palme, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler and Andrea Polle |  | Soil-dwelling ectomycorrhizal fungi trigger remodelling of root architecture as part of a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with host plants. Here, Ditengou et al. identify fungal-derived sesquiterpenes as volatile signals capable of stimulating lateral root production in Arabidopsis and Populus. |  | 23 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7279 |  | Biological Sciences Plant sciences | 
Nutritional stress induces exchange of cell material and energetic coupling between bacterial species |  | Saida Benomar, David Ranava, María Luz Cárdenas, Eric Trably, Yan Rafrafi, Adrien Ducret, Jérôme Hamelin, Elisabeth Lojou, Jean-Philippe Steyer and Marie-Thérèse Giudici-Orticoni |  | Bacterial communities adapt to changing environments by modulating patterns of nutrient flow between species. Benomar et al. show that under nutrient stress, the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris can exchange cytoplasmic material with Clostridium acetobutylicum, altering metabolic flux. |  | 23 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7283 |  | Biological Sciences Cell biology Microbiology | 

Refractory dissolved organic nitrogen accumulation in high-elevation lakes |  | S.J. Goldberg, G.I. Ball, B.C. Allen, S.G. Schladow, A.J. Simpson, H. Masoom, R. Soong, H.D. Graven and L.I. Aluwihare |  | Some nutrient budgets and fluxes in aquatic environments are poorly constrained. Here, the authors identify a novel pathway of reactive nitrogen sequestration in lakes of the Sierra Nevada, and investigate the relative reactivity of dissolved organic carbon. |  | 23 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7347 |  | Earth Sciences Biogeochemistry | 
Towards graphyne molecular electronics |  | Zhihai Li, Manuel Smeu, Arnaud Rives, Valérie Maraval, Remi Chauvin, Mark A. Ratner and Eric Borguet |  | α-Graphyne, a carbon-expanded version of graphene, is predicted to exhibit high conductivity due to its Dirac cone electronic structure. Here, Li et al. design and synthesize a series of molecular fragments of α-graphyne, on the basis of which single molecular junctions are realized. |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7321 |  | Physical Sciences Applied physics Materials science Physical chemistry | 

Almost quantum correlations |  | Miguel Navascués, Yelena Guryanova, Matty J. Hoban and Antonio Acín |  | Physical theories can be classified by the strength of the correlations that they allow to be generated between systems. Here, the authors introduce the set of almost quantum correlations that, despite being larger than strict quantum correlations, do not lead to operational contradictions. |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7288 |  | Physical Sciences Theoretical physics | 
Roquin binds microRNA-146a and Argonaute2 to regulate microRNA homeostasis OPEN |  | Monika Srivastava, Guowen Duan, Nadia J. Kershaw, Vicki Athanasopoulos, Janet H. C. Yeo, Toyoyuki Ose, Desheng Hu, Simon H. J. Brown, Slobodan Jergic, Hardip R. Patel, Alvin Pratama, Sashika Richards, Anil Verma, E. Yvonne Jones, Vigo Heissmeyer, Thomas Preiss, Nicholas E. Dixon, Mark M. W. Chong, Jeffrey J. Babon and Carola G. Vinuesa et al. |  | Roquin is an RNA-binding protein that promotes the degradation of specific mRNAs and is crucial for the maintenance of peripheral immune tolerance. Here the authors show that, in addition to its target mRNAs, Roquin can bind miR-146a and the RISC component Ago2 to control homeostasis of both RNA species. |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7253 |  | Biological Sciences Biochemistry Immunology Molecular biology | 
A highly potent human antibody neutralizes dengue virus serotype 3 by binding across three surface proteins OPEN |  | Guntur Fibriansah, Joanne L. Tan, Scott A. Smith, Ruklanthi de Alwis, Thiam-Seng Ng, Victor A. Kostyuchenko, Ramesh S. Jadi, Petra Kukkaro, Aravinda M. de Silva, James E. Crowe and Shee-Mei Lok |  | There is no licensed vaccine or therapeutic for dengue virus (DENV) infection. Here, the authors show that a highly potent human monoclonal antibody binds to DENV particles in an unusual and very effective way by interacting with three viral envelope proteins. |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7341 |  | Biological Sciences Immunology Microbiology Virology | 
High rate and stable cycling of lithium metal anode OPEN |  | Jiangfeng Qian, Wesley A. Henderson, Wu Xu, Priyanka Bhattacharya, Mark Engelhard, Oleg Borodin and Ji-Guang Zhang |  | Lithium metal is an ideal anode material for rechargeable batteries, but lithium dendritic growth and limited Columbic efficiency prevent its applications. Here, the authors report the use of highly concentrated electrolytes composed of ether solvents and the salt lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide to enable high-rate cycling of lithium anode. |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7362 |  | Chemical Sciences Materials science Physical chemistry | 
Enhanced magnetic Purcell effect in room-temperature masers OPEN |  | Jonathan Breeze, Ke-Jie Tan, Benjamin Richards, Juna Sathian, Mark Oxborrow and Neil McN Alford |  | Masers are promising for applications that use microwave radiation. Here, the authors present a compact room-temperature maser design using a high permittivity dielectric material for the resonator to achieve low optical pumping powers. This design pushes masers closer towards their promised applications. |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7215 |  | Physical Sciences Optical physics | 
An octave-spanning mid-infrared frequency comb generated in a silicon nanophotonic wire waveguide OPEN |  | Bart Kuyken, Takuro Ideguchi, Simon Holzner, Ming Yan, Theodor W. Hänsch, Joris Van Campenhout, Peter Verheyen, Stéphane Coen, Francois Leo, Roel Baets, Gunther Roelkens and Nathalie Picqué |  | Phase-coherent frequency combs in the mid-infrared have important potential applications but their fabrication remains challenging. Here, Kuyken et al. demonstrate an octave-spanning frequency comb in the mid-infrared using a highly nonlinear dispersion-engineered silicon waveguide on a silicon-on-insulator chip. |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7310 |  | Physical Sciences Applied physics Nanotechnology Optical physics | 
Protein kinase D1 drives pancreatic acinar cell reprogramming and progression to intraepithelial neoplasia |  | Geou-Yarh Liou, Heike Döppler, Ursula B. Braun, Richard Panayiotou, Michele Scotti Buzhardt, Derek C. Radisky, Howard C. Crawford, Alan P. Fields, Nicole R. Murray, Q. Jane Wang, Michael Leitges and Peter Storz |  | Acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM) is a potential early step in the development of pancreatic cancer. Here, using an in vitro model of ADM, the authors show that protein kinase D1 (PKD1) is required for TGFα- or KRAS-induced ADM through Notch activation. |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7200 |  | Biological Sciences Cancer Molecular biology | 

Crystalline silicon core fibres from aluminium core preforms |  | Chong Hou, Xiaoting Jia, Lei Wei, Swee-Ching Tan, Xin Zhao, John D. Joannopoulos and Yoel Fink |  | The integration of silicon optoelectronic devices in a fibre platform has great potential, but drawing such fibres is difficult. Using a simple, low cost and scalable method, Hou et al. fabricate a metre-long crystalline silicon-core, silica-clad fibre from a preform not containing elemental silicon. |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7248 |  | Chemical Sciences Materials science Nanotechnology | 
Integration of Hippo signalling and the unfolded protein response to restrain liver overgrowth and tumorigenesis |  | Hongtan Wu, Luyao Wei, Fuqin Fan, Suyuan Ji, Shihao Zhang, Jing Geng, Lixin Hong, Xin Fan, Qinghua Chen, Jing Tian, Mingting Jiang, Xiufeng Sun, Changnan Jin, Zhen-Yu Yin, Qingxu Liu, Jinjia Zhang, Funiu Qin, Kwang-Huei Lin, Jau-Song Yu, Xianming Deng et al. |  | The Hippo pathway is a major regulator of organ size and growth control. Here Wu et al. provide evidence for a novel link between the Hippo signalling pathway and the unfolded protein response (UPR) in regulating organ growth and tumorigenesis. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7239 |  | Biological Sciences Cancer Molecular biology | 

Origin of band gaps in graphene on hexagonal boron nitride OPEN |  | Jeil Jung, Ashley M. DaSilva, Allan H. MacDonald and Shaffique Adam |  | Graphene doesn’t usually have a bandgap but one can appear when the two-dimensional material is placed on a hexagonal boron nitride substrate. Jung et al. now develop a theory that indicates that this occurs because the graphene’s carbon atoms structurally relax when placed on boron nitride. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7308 |  | Physical Sciences Materials science | 

Self-assembled hydrogels utilizing polymer–nanoparticle interactions |  | Eric A. Appel, Mark W. Tibbitt, Matthew J. Webber, Bradley A. Mattix, Omid Veiseh and Robert Langer |  | Mouldable hydrogels find a variety of applications in the biomedical industry. Here, Appel et al. show a method to fabricate hydrogels through a self-assembly process based on the interaction between biopolymers and functional nanoparticles for multistage drug delivery in vivo. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7295 |  | Chemical Sciences Materials science | 
AAA+ chaperones and acyldepsipeptides activate the ClpP protease via conformational control |  | Malte Gersch, Kirsten Famulla, Maria Dahmen, Christoph Göbl, Imran Malik, Klaus Richter, Vadim S. Korotkov, Peter Sass, Helga Rübsamen-Schaeff, Tobias Madl, Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt and Stephan A. Sieber |  | Acyldepsipeptides are natural antibiotics that function by activating the ClpP protease and deregulating proteolysis. Here, Gersch et al. show that acyldepsipeptides not only increase access to the active sites but also exert conformational control, thereby allosterically stimulating ClpP catalysis. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7320 |  | Biological Sciences Biochemistry Chemical biology | 
TGF-β3-expressing CD4+CD25−LAG3+ regulatory T cells control humoral immune responses OPEN |  | Tomohisa Okamura, Shuji Sumitomo, Kaoru Morita, Yukiko Iwasaki, Mariko Inoue, Shinichiro Nakachi, Toshihiko Komai, Hirofumi Shoda, Jun-ichi Miyazaki, Keishi Fujio and Kazuhiko Yamamoto |  | B cells reactive against self antigens can cause autoimmune disease, but are normally suppressed by regulatory T cells (Tregs). Here the authors show that a subset of Tregs can suppress lupus in a mouse model by making TGF-β3 cytokine and by engaging an inhibitory PD-1 receptor on B cells. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7329 |  | Biological Sciences Immunology | 

Escape from crossover interference increases with maternal age OPEN |  | Christopher L. Campbell, Nicholas A. Furlotte, Nick Eriksson, David Hinds and Adam Auton |  | Recombination is a meiotic process that ensures accurate chromosome segregation. Here, the authors characterize recombination patterns in over 4,200 families. Their results show that recombination rate increases with maternal age, and highlight sex differences in the distribution of these events. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7260 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics Molecular biology | 
Substrate stress relaxation regulates cell spreading |  | Ovijit Chaudhuri, Luo Gu, Max Darnell, Darinka Klumpers, Sidi A. Bencherif, James C. Weaver, Nathaniel Huebsch and David J. Mooney |  | Studies of cellular mechanotransduction commonly use elastic substrates, whereas biological substrates are viscoelastic, exhibiting stress relaxation. Here, the authors show through computational modelling and experiments that viscoelastic substrates can stimulate cell spreading to a greater extent than purely elastic substrates with the same initial stiffness. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7365 |  | Biological Sciences Biophysics Cell biology | 
In vivo odourant response properties of migrating adult-born neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb |  | Yury Kovalchuk, Ryota Homma, Yajie Liang, Anatoliy Maslyukov, Marina Hermes, Thomas Thestrup, Oliver Griesbeck, Jovica Ninkovic, Lawrence B. Cohen and Olga Garaschuk |  | Juxtaglomerular neurons (JGNs) of the mammalian olfactory bulb are generated throughout life, but when and how these adult-born cells acquire responsiveness to sensory stimuli remains unknown. Here, the authors use in vivo two-photon imaging to monitor the migration and integration of adult-born JGNs and their sensory response properties. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7349 |  | Biological Sciences Neuroscience | 

Exploring atomic defects in molybdenum disulphide monolayers OPEN |  | Jinhua Hong, Zhixin Hu, Matt Probert, Kun Li, Danhui Lv, Xinan Yang, Lin Gu, Nannan Mao, Qingliang Feng, Liming Xie, Jin Zhang, Dianzhong Wu, Zhiyong Zhang, Chuanhong Jin, Wei Ji, Xixiang Zhang, Jun Yuan and Ze Zhang |  | Imperfections can greatly alter a material’s properties. Here, the authors investigate the influence of point defects on the electronic structure, charge-carrier mobility and optical absorption of molybdenum disulphide prepared by mechanical exfoliation, physical and chemical vapour deposition. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7293 |  | Physical Sciences Materials science | 
Capture Hi-C identifies the chromatin interactome of colorectal cancer risk loci OPEN |  | Roland Jäger, Gabriele Migliorini, Marc Henrion, Radhika Kandaswamy, Helen E. Speedy, Andreas Heindl, Nicola Whiffin, Maria J. Carnicer, Laura Broome, Nicola Dryden, Takashi Nagano, Stefan Schoenfelder, Martin Enge, Yinyin Yuan, Jussi Taipale, Peter Fraser, Olivia Fletcher and Richard S. Houlston |  | Multiple regulatory elements distant from their targets on the linear genome can influence gene expression through chromatin looping. Here, the authors report an improved chromosome conformation capture approach that can be used to identify long-range chromatin interactions in cancer risk loci. |  | 19 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7178 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics Molecular biology | 
RIPK3 promotes cell death and NLRP3 inflammasome activation in the absence of MLKL OPEN |  | Kate E. Lawlor, Nufail Khan, Alison Mildenhall, Motti Gerlic, Ben A. Croker, Akshay A. D’Cruz, Cathrine Hall, Sukhdeep Kaur Spall, Holly Anderton, Seth L. Masters, Maryam Rashidi, Ian P. Wicks, Warren S. Alexander, Yasuhiro Mitsuuchi, Christopher A. Benetatos, Stephen M. Condon, W. Wei-Lynn Wong, John Silke, David L. Vaux and James E. Vince et al. |  | RIPK3 can cause necroptotic cell death via MLKL phosphorylation, and activate NLRP3 inflammasome. Here the authors show that MLKL is dispensable for NLRP3 activation by RIPK3, and highlight how different IAP proteins limit RIPK3 induced apoptosis, necroptosis and IL-1 secretion. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7282 |  | Biological Sciences Immunology | 
Dendritic cells induce Th2-mediated airway inflammatory responses to house dust mite via DNA-dependent protein kinase |  | Amarjit Mishra, Alexandra L. Brown, Xianglan Yao, Shutong Yang, Sung-Jun Park, Chengyu Liu, Pradeep K. Dagur, J. Philip McCoy, Karen J. Keeran, Gayle Z. Nugent, Kenneth R. Jeffries, Xuan Qu, Zu-Xi Yu, Stewart J. Levine and Jay H. Chung |  | House dust mites are a common cause of allergic asthma. Here, the authors show that the Th2-mediated inflammatory responses triggered by mites in mouse airways are mediated by the activation of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) in dendritic cells. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7224 |  | Biological Sciences Immunology | 

Hydrodynamic phonon transport in suspended graphene |  | Sangyeop Lee, David Broido, Keivan Esfarjani and Gang Chen |  | Hydrodynamic phonon transport occurs when phonons are able to drift over macroscopic distances, leading to the breakdown of Fourier’s law of heat conduction. Here, the authors predict that this regime occurs in suspended graphene at higher temperatures than bulk materials. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7290 |  | Physical Sciences Materials science | 
Dendritic geometry shapes neuronal cAMP signalling to the nucleus OPEN |  | Lu Li, Nicolas Gervasi and Jean-Antoine Girault |  | Neurons have complex dendritic trees but the rules governing the propagation of signals from dendrites to nuclei remain unclear. Here the authors combine diffusion-reaction modelling and live imaging to investigate the mechanisms regulating cAMP signalling in neurons and find that dendritic tree geometry shapes synapse-to-nucleus signalling. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7319 |  | Biological Sciences Neuroscience | 
Small-molecule inhibitors targeting INK4 protein p18INK4C enhance ex vivo expansion of haematopoietic stem cells |  | Yingdai Gao, Peng Yang, Hongmei Shen, Hui Yu, Xianmin Song, Liyan Zhang, Peng Zhang, Haizi Cheng, Zhaojun Xie, Sha Hao, Fang Dong, Shihui Ma, Qing Ji, Patrick Bartlow, Yahui Ding, Lirong Wang, Haibin Liu, Yanxin Li, Hui Cheng, Weimin Miao et al. |  | The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p18 and p27 confer advantage to the propagation of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). In this manuscript, the authors demonstrate that p18 is a potent negative regulator of HSC self-renewal, and identify novel small molecules putatively inhibiting p18 that promote HSC growth in culture and mouse transplant assays. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7328 |  | Biological Sciences Cell biology Developmental biology | 
Host genetic determinants of microbiota-dependent nutrition revealed by genome-wide analysis of Drosophila melanogaster |  | Adam J. Dobson, John M. Chaston, Peter D. Newell, Leanne Donahue, Sara L. Hermann, David R. Sannino, Stephanie Westmiller, Adam C.-N. Wong, Andrew G. Clark, Brian P. Lazzaro and Angela E. Douglas |  | The gut microbiota affects animal nutrition, but it is unclear whether this effect depends on host genetic makeup. This study shows that host genotype modifies the gut microbiota’s impact on host nutrition, and identifies genetic determinants of this variation in the fruit fly. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7312 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics Microbiology | 
Unique features of mutations revealed by sequentially reprogrammed induced pluripotent stem cells |  | Shuai Gao, Caihong Zheng, Gang Chang, Wenqiang Liu, Xiaochen Kou, Kun Tan, Li Tao, Kai Xu, Hong Wang, Jun Cai, Jianhui Tian and Shaorong Gao |  | Mice can be generated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) but the impact of accumulated mutations on the developmental potential of the cells remains to be determined. Here the authors show that mice generated from iPSCs tolerate the accumulation of somatic mutations for up to six generations, but their viability decreased with increasing generations. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7318 |  | Biological Sciences Cell biology Developmental biology | 

Tetrahedrally coordinated carbonates in Earth’s lower mantle |  | Eglantine Boulard, Ding Pan, Giulia Galli, Zhenxian Liu and Wendy L. Mao |  | The behaviour of subducted carbonates at high pressures within the Earth is still poorly understood. Here, the authors present experimental and theoretical evidence of a new carbon–oxygen bond in a high-pressure mineral phase, which has implications for the viscosity and mobility of carbonate melts. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7311 |  | Earth Sciences Geology and geophysics | 

CEACAM1 induces B-cell survival and is essential for protective antiviral antibody production OPEN |  | Vishal Khairnar, Vikas Duhan, Sathish Kumar Maney, Nadine Honke, Namir Shaabani, Aleksandra A. Pandyra, Marc Seifert, Vitaly Pozdeev, Haifeng C. Xu, Piyush Sharma, Fabian Baldin, Florian Marquardsen, Katja Merches, Elisabeth Lang, Carsten Kirschning, Astrid M. Westendorf, Dieter Häussinger, Florian Lang, Ulf Dittmer, Ralf Küppers et al. |  | Antibody responses are regulated by selective survival of B cells with proper antigen specificity. Here the authors show that CEACAM1 is critical for B-cell survival during homeostasis and antiviral responses. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7217 |  | Biological Sciences Immunology | 

Epigenomic footprints across 111 reference epigenomes reveal tissue-specific epigenetic regulation of lincRNAs OPEN |  | Viren Amin, R. Alan Harris, Vitor Onuchic, Andrew R. Jackson, Tim Charnecki, Sameer Paithankar, Sai Lakshmi Subramanian, Kevin Riehle, Cristian Coarfa and Aleksandar Milosavljevic |  | Tissue-specific functions have been established for some lincRNAs. Here, by analysing 111 reference epigenomes from the NIH Roadmap Epigenomics project, the authors report tissue-specific epigenomic regulation of 3,753 lincRNAs and their strong connection with tissue-specific pathways. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7370 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics Molecular biology | 
Epigenetic and transcriptional determinants of the human breast OPEN |  | Philippe Gascard, Misha Bilenky, Mahvash Sigaroudinia, Jianxin Zhao, Luolan Li, Annaick Carles, Allen Delaney, Angela Tam, Baljit Kamoh, Stephanie Cho, Malachi Griffith, Andy Chu, Gordon Robertson, Dorothy Cheung, Irene Li, Alireza Heravi-Moussavi, Michelle Moksa, Matthew Mingay, Angela Hussainkhel, Brad Davis et al. |  | Epigenetic changes associated with post-natal differentiation have been characterized. Here the authors generate epigenomic and transcriptional profiles from primary human breast cells, providing insights into the transcriptional and epigenetic events that define post-natal cell differentiation in vivo. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7351 |  | Biological Sciences Developmental biology Molecular biology | 
Intermediate DNA methylation is a conserved signature of genome regulation OPEN |  | GiNell Elliott, Chibo Hong, Xiaoyun Xing, Xin Zhou, Daofeng Li, Cristian Coarfa, Robert J.A. Bell, Cecile L. Maire, Keith L. Ligon, Mahvash Sigaroudinia, Philippe Gascard, Thea D. Tlsty, R. Alan Harris, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Misha Bilenky, Jonathan Mill, Peggy J. Farnham, Manolis Kellis, Marco A. Marra, Aleksandar Milosavljevic et al. |  | Many loci in the mammalian genome are intermediately methylated. Here, by comprehensively identifying these loci and quantifying their relationship with gene activity, the authors show that intermediate methylation is an evolutionarily conserved epigenomic signature of gene regulation. |  | 18 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7363 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics Molecular biology | | | | | |  | | | Latest Corrigendum | | | | Corrigendum: Efficient genome engineering by targeted homologous recombination in mouse embryos using transcription activator-like effector nucleases |  | Daniel Sommer, Annika E. Peters, Tristan Wirtz, Maren Mai, Justus Ackermann, Yasser Thabet, Jürgen Schmidt, Heike Weighardt, F. Thomas Wunderlich, Joachim Degen, Joachim L. Schultze and Marc Beyer |  | 20 February 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms6927 |  | Biological Sciences Biotechnology Developmental biology | | |  | | | Latest Erratum | | | | | |  | | Advertisement |  | Nature Collections Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014
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