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Heredity - Table of Contents alert Volume 114 Issue 3

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Volume 114, Issue 3 (March 2015)

In this issue
Original Articles

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Original Articles


A parameter to quantify the degree of genetic mixing among individuals in hybrid populations

S T Kalinowski and J H Powell

Heredity 2015 114: 249-254; advance online publication, November 12, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.93

Abstract | Full Text

UGMDR: a unified conceptual framework for detection of multifactor interactions underlying complex traits

X-Y Lou

Heredity 2015 114: 255-261; advance online publication, October 22, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.94

Abstract | Full Text

Sex determination in dioecious Mercurialis annua and its close diploid and polyploid relatives

J R W Russell and J R Pannell

Heredity 2015 114: 262-271; advance online publication, October 22, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.95

Abstract | Full Text

Genetic evidence of hybridization between the critically endangered Cuban crocodile and the American crocodile: implications for population history and in situ/ex situ conservation

Y Milián-García, R Ramos-Targarona, E Pérez-Fleitas, G Sosa-Rodríguez, L Guerra-Manchena, M Alonso-Tabet, G Espinosa-López and M A Russello

Heredity 2015 114: 272-280; advance online publication, October 22, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.96

Abstract | Full Text

Evaluation of multi-locus models for genome-wide association studies: a case study in sugar beet

T Würschum and T Kraft

Heredity 2015 114: 281-290; advance online publication, October 29, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.98

Abstract | Full Text

Genomic prediction in biparental tropical maize populations in water-stressed and well-watered environments using low-density and GBS SNPs OPEN

X Zhang, P Pérez-Rodríguez, K Semagn, Y Beyene, R Babu, M A López-Cruz, F San Vicente, M Olsen, E Buckler, J-L Jannink, B M Prasanna and J Crossa

Heredity 2015 114: 291-299; advance online publication, November 19, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.99

Abstract | Full Text

Origin and genome evolution of polyploid green toads in Central Asia: evidence from microsatellite markers

C Betto-Colliard, R Sermier, S Litvinchuk, N Perrin and M Stöck

Heredity 2015 114: 300-308; advance online publication, November 5, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.100

Abstract | Full Text

Patterns of chromosomal variation in natural populations of the neoallotetraploid Tragopogon mirus (Asteraceae)

M Chester, R K Riley, P S Soltis and D E Soltis

Heredity 2015 114: 309-317; advance online publication, November 5, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.101

Abstract | Full Text

Potential and limits to unravel the genetic architecture and predict the variation of Fusarium head blight resistance in European winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Y Jiang, Y Zhao, B Rodemann, J Plieske, S Kollers, V Korzun, E Ebmeyer, O Argillier, M Hinze, J Ling, M S Röder, M W Ganal, M F Mette and J C Reif

Heredity 2015 114: 318-326; advance online publication, November 12, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.104

Abstract | Full Text

Inbreeding depression and purging in a haplodiploid: gender-related effects

N S H Tien, M W Sabelis and M Egas

Heredity 2015 114: 327-332; advance online publication, November 19, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.106

Abstract | Full Text

Strong population genetic structure and contrasting demographic histories for the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) in the Mediterranean Sea

V Kousteni, P Kasapidis, G Kotoulas and P Megalofonou

Heredity 2015 114: 333-343; advance online publication, December 3, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.107

Abstract | Full Text

The genetic architecture of hybridisation between two lineages of greenshell mussels

J P A Gardner and K-J Wei

Heredity 2015 114: 344-355; advance online publication, November 26, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.108

Abstract | Full Text

Silenced rRNA genes are activated and substitute for partially eliminated active homeologs in the recently formed allotetraploid, Tragopogon mirus (Asteraceae)

E Dobešová, H Malinská, R Matyášek, A R Leitch, D E Soltis, P S Soltis and A Kovařík

Heredity 2015 114: 356-365; advance online publication, December 24, 2014; 10.1038/hdy.2014.111

Abstract | Full Text

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