Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pioneering botulism antitoxin from Cangene gets FDA nod

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March 26, 2013
Starting to plan your BIO International Convention experience for next month in Chicago? Learn about the top 10 "can't miss" sessions on BIOtechNOW.

The news summaries appearing in BIO SmartBrief are based on original information from news organizations and are produced by SmartBrief, Inc., an independent e-mail newsletter publisher. The information is not compiled or summarized by BIO. Questions and comments should be directed to SmartBrief at bio@smartbrief.com.

  Today's Top Story 
  • Pioneering botulism antitoxin from Cangene gets FDA nod
    The FDA approved Cangene's Botulism Antitoxin Heptavalent to treat patients with suspected or documented exposure to all known botulinum neurotoxin serotypes. The horse plasma-based antitoxin is the only botulism treatment available for adults and for infants whose illness was caused by toxins other than types A and B. Because the drug holds an orphan-drug designation, it will get seven years of market exclusivity. Medscape (free registration) (3/25), Reuters (3/22) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
CHMP's Latest Opinions: Seven Positive, One Negative
The European Medicines Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human use issued opinions for eight drugs of interest to the biopharma sector, including thumbs up for multiple sclerosis (MS) drugs from Biogen Idec Inc. and Genzyme Corp. It was good news, too, for Halozyme Therapeutics Inc.'s immunodeficiency drug HyQvia, Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s Iclusig and others. Find out the details.

  Health Care & Policy 
  • Supreme Court holds hearing on patent settlement agreements
    The Supreme Court held a hearing on Monday to consider whether drugmakers can settle patent lawsuits with generic-drug makers by making arrangements to block generics. The court seemed conflicted after an hour of oral arguments, with some justices worrying that the practice would delay cheaper drugs coming to the market and hurt competition, while the court also noted that sometimes the arrangements are valid. The Federal Trade Commission has been fighting the practice for more than 10 years and contributed a brief to the Supreme Court challenge. Drugmakers are defending such deals to avert patent litigation. FoxNews.com/Dow Jones Newswires (3/25), Reuters (3/22) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • FDA extends review of GSK's H5N1 flu vaccine
    The FDA has said it needs more time to consider whether to approve GlaxoSmithKline's H5N1 flu vaccine intended for use in the event of a pandemic. GSK said the delay was not because of questions raised about its H1N1 flu vaccine Pandemrix and narcolepsy. The agency asked for more time "due to an administrative matter that has recently been rectified," the drugmaker said. Reuters (3/25) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Va. law places restrictions on biosimilars
    Virginia has passed legislation permitting the substitution of biosimiliar drugs for brand-name biologics -- but with restrictive conditions. Similar legislation has passed or is pending in several other states, and a key point in the bills is the requirement that the FDA certify that a biosimilar is interchangeable with the prescribed biologic medication. Pharmalot.com/Pharma Blog (3/22) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  Company & Financial News 
  Food & Agriculture 
  • Senate passes measure governing USDA response to biotech crop rulings
    A six-month Senate budget provision would direct the Department of Agriculture to allow farmers to continue cultivating their biotech crops in the event of a court ruling that challenges their use. The rider, called the Farmer Assurance Provision, was included in a short-term resolution designed to prevent a government shutdown. The provision is in line with past court rulings, and it gives growers greater certainty, supporters said. Daily News (New York) (3/25), Politico (Washington, D.C.) (3/25) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  Industrial & Environmental 

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  News from BIO 
  • BIOtechNOW
    BIOtechNOW is the first in a number of new products from BIO intended to enhance our communications with the biotech community -- not only with our members, but with other stakeholders as well. This e-newsletter, combined with its website, serves as our flagship in that effort. BIOtechNOW will offer original content that emphasizes the business needs of the industry; highlight BIO's advocacy efforts; and provide a portal to all BIO activities and events. Most importantly, it will spotlight for those outside the industry the value of biotechnology. Sign up for the e-newsletter. LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
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It is often laziness and timidity that keep us within our duty while virtue gets all the credit."
--François de la Rochefoucauld,
French writer

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