Wednesday, March 27, 2013

National assessments to test students in technology, engineering

Guide seeks to help teachers manage online videos | Mich. governor demonstrates power of virtual learning | Ill. school finds preparation is key to success when using education technology
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March 27, 2013
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Head of the ClassSponsored By
National assessments to test students in technology, engineering
The National Center for Education Statistics is expected to finish a pilot exam this month that would assess the technology- and engineering-literacy skills of eighth-grade students. A final version of the exam is expected to be administered nationally in 2014. "What we're talking about here is trying to put the 'T-E in STEM," said NCES Commissioner Sean P. "Jack" Buckley. "We've been assessing the [science and math] for some time, but it's been much harder to figure out the framework for an actual, practical, functional field assessment for technology and engineering components." Education Week (premium article access compliments of (3/27)
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Do you address the SIX areas of reading instruction?
Get FREE overview documents detailing the definitions and the role of phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension in learning to read and spell. Learn more about Lexia Reading Core5™'s instructional approach in these key areas and how Lexia helps teachers change the future for their students.

eLearningSponsored By
Guide seeks to help teachers manage online videos
Mind/Shift's "Teachers' Guide to Using Videos" offers advice for teachers interested in using the vast library of videos available on YouTube and elsewhere in classroom lessons. The guide, written in collaboration with educator Catlin Tucker, seeks to help teachers winnow down the available videos and answer questions regarding video quality, where to go to get the best educational videos and how such videos should be used. blog (3/26)
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Other News

Want more for your students than just academic achievement? Caring Hearts & Critical Minds takes you step-by-step through creating rigorous lessons about topics kids care about—from media and the environment to personal happiness and global poverty. Includes 5 complete classroom-tested units of study. Click here now to preview the entire book!

Systems Management
How school leaders can become "technology masters"
School leaders need to become "technology masters," who help teachers make the transition to the digital age and support schoolwide technology plans, according to Scott Klososky, the keynote speaker at a recent conference. In this blog post, Anne O'Brien, deputy director of the Learning First Alliance, shares Klososky's model for school leaders. It includes developing technology guideposts for the school, fostering an adaptive culture, developing a quality technology team and developing processes around technology, she writes. O'Brien's blog (3/26)
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Other News
Managing Budgets
Initiative offers low-cost access to digital tools
The recently launched Connect to Compete initiative is aimed at providing broadband Internet access in the homes of the 100 million Americans -- including tens of millions of students -- that currently lack access. Those who are eligible are offered broadband Internet for less than $10 a month, as well as discounted computers and free digital literacy lessons. "This is going to get past these [long-standing] barriers on costs and access," said Zach Leverenz, CEO of the initiative. Education Week (premium article access compliments of (3/27)
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Schools and Social Media
What teachers should think about before using Facebook
Before teachers begin using Facebook and other social media with students, there are a few things they should consider, writes educator Lisa Nielsen. In this blog post, she advises teachers to research their district's policies regarding social media, recognize that students and teachers do not need to be "friends" online to interact and recognize the value of private groups instead of public groups. She also suggests establishing roles, using pages to celebrate students' accomplishments and clearly differentiate between professional and personal online profiles. SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Education (3/26)
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Last Byte
Students compete to design mission sending humans to Mars' moons
More than 30 graduate and undergraduate students from 21 universities and 11 countries are competing in a challenge to design manned missions to one of Mars' two tiny moons. The Caltech Space Challenge, which runs this week, will be judged by scientists from Caltech, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and various aerospace companies. "The Caltech Space Challenge is our way to continue to support and advance what is bound to be a long process of design, development and innovation leading to human footprints on Martian soil," said Jason Rabinovitch, a Caltech Ph.D. student and one of the team leaders. (3/25)
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The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare."
-- Bobby Knight,
American basketball coach
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