Thursday, January 17, 2013

What are the keys to effective online education?

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January 17, 2013
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Head of the Class 
  • What are the keys to effective online education?
    The role of higher education has transformed dramatically, with the current trend including a shift to offering purely online courses, author and columnist Douglas Rushkoff writes in this commentary. However, Rushkoff finds that, while he is in support of online learning, it requires some element of human interaction to be effective. He also finds that learning is most effective when it takes place in its "native" environment and there should be some aspect of education that includes collaboration. CNN (1/15) LinkedInFacebookTwitterGoogle+Email this Story

Experience a primary classroom where literacy learning goes hand-in-hand with amazing thinking about social issues, inquiry, and working together toward common goals. Many Texts, Many Voices shows you how to incorporate multiliteracies—digital, visual, and critical—with sample lessons, text sets, rubrics, and more. Preview the entire book!
  • What to ask before flipping instruction
    Teachers should ask themselves several questions before implementing a flipped instructional model to make sure it is appropriate in their classroom. Important questions include whether it is an appropriate model for the students. Once a teacher decides to flip his or her classroom, the next question is whether he or she should make and use the instructional videos or use those produced by other sources. T.H.E. Journal (1/16) LinkedInFacebookTwitterGoogle+Email this Story
  • The keys to a successful one-to-one program
    There are six pillars of the one-to-one initiative, writes Brett Clark, a director of technology in a school district in Jeffersonville, Ind. He writes in this blog post that such programs should be launched with a focus on learning rather than the device; investment in professional development and accompanying infrastructure improvements. He also writes about the need to address digital citizenship, choice, time and patience. SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Education (1/16) LinkedInFacebookTwitterGoogle+Email this Story
  • Other News
Systems Management 
  • Dell tapped to build technology platform in Minn. district
    A Minnesota school district has selected a bid from Dell to provide part of its eight-year technology platform, despite the fact that the company's bid was more expensive than other proposals the district received. The plan calls for the creation of a website, through which teachers and students can connect and access resources. The platform also is intended to encourage more independent work by students and give teachers additional resources to monitor students' performance. Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) (1/17) LinkedInFacebookTwitterGoogle+Email this Story
Managing Budgets 
  • Tracking education-technology spending
    A recent report finds that 38% of the education-technology marketplace is consumed by "instructional support," and under that category, assessment and testing products were top sellers. Findings also show that 36% of the marketplace goes to companies that create content services. blog (1/16) LinkedInFacebookTwitterGoogle+Email this Story
Schools and Social Media 
  • Civics teacher invites federal debt expert into classroom via Skype
    Students in Wrangell High School in Alaska interacted with a Connecticut-based national expert on the federal debt during a recent Skype session in their classroom. Former Comptroller General David Walker talked via Skype with students in civics teacher Michele Galla's class about the federal debt crisis and Alaska's fiscal condition. "My main goal that I have is that I hope that our students become active, engaged, citizens and that they know how to stand up for their rights and they know how to make policy changes when they believe that they are necessary," Galla said. KSTK-FM (Wrangell, Alaska) (1/11) LinkedInFacebookTwitterGoogle+Email this Story
Last Byte 
  • App aids in speech exercises outside of formal therapy
    A new smartphone application called Fluently helps individuals with speech disorders, such as stuttering or articulation issues, practice speech exercises outside of formal therapy sessions. Developed by Tufts University junior Jack McDermott and based on his 15 years of being in speech therapy, the app provides a visual cue to help users know when they stutter or when they need to slow their speech to aid in pronunciation. BostInno (Boston) (1/14) LinkedInFacebookTwitterGoogle+Email this Story

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Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson,
American writer

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