Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nature Reviews Microbiology contents February 2013 Volume 11 Number 2 pp 67-141

Nature Reviews Microbiology

February 2013 Volume 11 Number 2

Nature Reviews Microbiology cover
Impact Factor 21.182 *
In this issue
Research Highlights
News and Analysis

Also this month
Article Series:
Antibiotic alternatives
Vector-borne diseases
 Featured article:
Microbial life under extreme energy limitation
Tori M. Hoehler & Bo Barker Jørgensen

Recommend to library
Nature Reviews Immunology
Authors: Nina Bhardwaj, Florian Hladik and Susan Moir

Produced with support from
STEMCELL Technologies

Protecting our public health workers
p67 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2967
The escalation of violence against public health workers associated with the polio vaccination campaign in Pakistan bodes ill for the global eradication effort and must cease.
Full Text | PDF



Bacterial physiology: Diffusion barrier segments the stalk
p69 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2951
Cross-bands in the stalks of Caulobacter crescentus are composed of at least four proteins and act as diffusion barriers for both soluble and membrane proteins.

Viral evolution: It takes two genomes
p70 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2952
Experimental evolution of measles virus reveals that a new phenotype emerges through cooperation between two different viral genomes in a single virion.

Host response: Getting the trigger the right way round
p70 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2959
IgG concentrations determine the binding orientation of IgG on S. pyogenes and, thus, affect opsonization and killing.

Norovirus strikes back

p70 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2962

Parasite biology: Cell division goes back to its roots
p71 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2954
Homologues of algal flagellum components act as spatial and temporal organizers of Toxoplasma gondii cell division.

Host response: PF4 — platelets' poison
p72 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2955
Platelet factor 4 is the effector molecule used by platelets to kill P. falciparum in infected erythrocytes.

Phage biology: Giving CRISPR the slip
p72 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2958
The first report of phage-encoded genes that inactivate bacterial CRISPR-Cas immunity.

Bacterial physiology: Antisense suppression
p72 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2961
Global RNA profiling reveals that the transcription terminator Rho is involved in the widespread suppression of antisense transcription.


Bacillus : Biofilms grow with the flow | Antimicrobials: Statins wise up to cerebral infection | Environmental microbiology: Soil bacteria that don't make the cut

JOBS of the week
Assistant Professor / Postdoc Bacterial Ecology and Microevolution
University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Biology, AUSTRIA
Postdoctoral position in Metabolic Engineering
RWTH Aachen University - Institute of Applied Microbiology
Faculty Positions of Professor of Systems Biology of Microbiology ,Professor of Synthetic Biology of Microbiology
Nankai University
MRC PhD Studentships in Vaccine Research
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Graduate Studentship Microbial Evolution
Massey University New Zealand
More Science jobs from
Society for General Microbiology Spring Conference 2013
Manchester, UK
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Playing the 'Next-Generation Game'
Helena Seth-Smith
p74 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2956
Advances in single-molecule DNA sequencing are enabling research into the fine resolution of DNA structure, and rapid, direct sequencing of pathogen genomes.


The excludon: a new concept in bacterial antisense RNA-mediated gene regulation
Nina Sesto, Omri Wurtzel, Cristel Archambaud, Rotem Sorek & Pascale Cossart
p75 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2934
In this Progress article, Cossart and colleagues discuss the unique features of unusually long antisense RNAs and discuss the excludon paradigm, which describes a genomic locus that encodes a long antisense RNA which inhibits the expression of one operon while simultaneously driving the expression of the adjacent operon.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF


Microbial life under extreme energy limitation
Tori M. Hoehler & Bo Barker Jørgensen
p83 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2939
The discovery of abundant microbial life in the deep subsurface, where energy fluxes can be orders of magnitude lower than in laboratory cultures, challenges many of our assumptions about the requirements to sustain life. Here, Tori Hoehler and Bo Barker Jørgensen review our understanding of life in these extremely low-energy environments.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Article series: Antibiotic alternatives
Bacteriocins — a viable alternative to antibiotics?
Paul D. Cotter, R. Paul Ross & Colin Hill
p95 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2937
The rise of antibiotic resistance, together with collateral damage to the human microbiota as a result of antibiotic use, means that new antimicrobials need to be developed. Here, Cotter, Ross and Hill discuss the potential of bacteriocins, which are active against a range of bacteria, have low toxicity towards the host, are easily modifiable and can even be produced in situ.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Structure, function and biosynthesis of O2-tolerant hydrogenases
Johannes Fritsch, Oliver Lenz & Bärbel Friedrich
p106 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2940
The reversible oxidation of H2 into protons and electrons is mediated by metalloenzymes known as hydrogenases. Here, Fritsch, Lenz and Friedrich discuss recent progress in our understanding of the structure, function and biosynthesis of a subtype of [NiFe]-hydrogenases mainly found in H2-oxidizing bacteria that can sustain H2 conversion in the presence of ambient O2 levels, a process that has been defined as O2-tolerant H2 cycling.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Article series: Vector-borne diseases
West Nile virus infection and immunity
Mehul S. Suthar, Michael S. Diamond & Michael Gale Jr
p115 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2950
Here, Suthar, Diamond and Gale review recent insights into West Nile virus pathogenesis and the host immune responses that this virus activates. Given the continuing spread of the virus in the Western hemisphere, a better understanding of these host-virus interactions is crucial and should facilitate the development of effective vaccines and therapeutics.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Supplementary information


Fungal systematics: is a new age of enlightenment at hand?
David S. Hibbett & John W. Taylor
p129 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2963
Fungal taxonomy has recently undergone its biggest shake-up and embraced the modernization of its nomenclatural rules. Here, Hibbett and Taylor describe these changes and what their implications might be for fungal researchers.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

The changing face of pathogen discovery and surveillance
W. Ian Lipkin
p133 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2949
The emergence of new microbial infections is ever more likely with the globalization of trade and travel, changes to agricultural practices and climate change. However, as Lipkin describes in this Essay, this threat is being met by dramatic technological advances in pathogen discovery, surveillance and modelling.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Corrigendum: Molecular mechanisms of Escherichia coli pathogenicity
Matthew A. Croxen & B. Brett Finlay
p141 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro2953
Full Text | PDF


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